
Discovery flights
Initiation flight (30 minutes) 120 €
Long initiation flight (1 hour) 160 €
Prestige initiation flight (2-3 hours) - possibly to fly over the Ecrins National Park weather permitting 280 €
Possibility to film your flight +20 €
Pilot < 25 years > 25 years
Registration 20 € 30 €
Daily participation (club pilote per flying day - max 10 days) 10 € 20 €
Daily participation (private pilote per flying day - max 10 days) 30 € 45 €
Winch launch < 25 ans > 25 ans
Flight shorter than 10 minutes 11,25 € 15 €
Flight longer than 10 minutes 15 € 20 €
Club gliders
On all club gliders, the flying hours are free starting from the 6th hour.
  < 25 years > 25 years
ASK21 solo *  18 €/h  25 €/h  Coeff 1.25
 ASK21 two pilots *  28 €/h  38 €/h  Coeff 1.9
 Duo solo *  27 €/h  32 €/h  Coeff 1.6
 Duo two pilots *  37 €/h  45 €/h  Coeff 2.25
 LS4b  20 €/h  25 €/h  Coeff 1.25
 Pégase retractable gear *  20 €/h  25 €/h  Coeff 1.25
 Pégase C101  15 €/h  20 €/h  Coeff 1

* The club owns three gliders with hand rudder controls: 1 Pégase and 2 two-seaters in both the front and rear seats, an ASK21 and a Duo Discuss.

Flying packages
The packages are valid for the current year only. The flight hours are using the coefficients applied to each glider. 50h with coefficient 1.25 for an LS4 per example corresponds to 40h of actual flying.
  < 25 years > 25 years
 50h package  680 €  850 €
 100h package 1280 € 1600 €
 Garage (subject to availability)    
 < 15 m  11 €/night
 >15 m  14 €/night
 Winter storage for glider trailer  50 €


 Club glider booking rules :

Any club member can come to the morning briefing to get assigned a glider for the day and/or to share it with other members. It is also possible to book a glider in advance for the day/week, each advanced booking will be charged to a minimum of 4h of flying per day in the off season (opening to the 15/06 and 16/09 to closing) and 5h of flying per day in the high season (16/06 to 15/09). Non flyable days when the winch isn't operating won't be charged.


 Licences-Insurances :

The CVVMC is a french sport association, taking a license-insurance is mandatory to fly. Different options are available based on duration and level of insurance required.

Last update: January 2025